Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Valentine's Giveaway

****Giveaway Closed****

Ten day's to go and it's going to be Valentine's Day....
and I'm going to celebrate it by having a giveaway!!!!
I know you've all been waiting for what are the goodies?
well, it's going to be a, I'm just kidding....
I'm going to do a post about the goodies next week.
I just want to tell you all about it so that you could all have an ample time to join.....

here are the rules:

1. Must be a follower of this Blog....

2. Must leave a comment below & tell me "what makes you happy?"

3. leave your name, email or blog url (so that I could contact you)

4. Additional entry: (1 entry each & leave another comment for the link)
* Mention this giveaway, Post or link this giveaway on your blog
* Tweet about this giveaway

Open for US & International readers...Giveaway will end on Feb 14, 2010 (Midnight)EDT



Lulu said...

Yay for Valentine's Day!!! any special plans w/ the hubby?

What makes me happy: talking to you! seriously, haha we need to email each other more often <3 hmm what else makes me happy? definitely shopping for pretty stuff. hahahaha

Denysia said...

Giveaway time! :D

What makes me happy?
Hanging out with friends and boyfriend. Eating, and not dieting all the time. When I get good grades on exams. And my family of course! :)

Bijin Blair said...
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Xin Yun said...

shopping makes me happy!

thank you for the giveaway

DinaXYYan said...

Yay on the giveaway!

What makes me happy right now is graduating from my university! I've waited this for so long. other than that, good food also makes me happy :D

Vanessa M. said...

Well my fiance makes me happy. even when he makes me mad and upset, he always knows how to cheer me up and i love that about him!

K said...

Thanks for hosting a giveaway! Shopping and cupcakes always makes me happy, haha!

acutelife said...

What is ur plan with hubby??
What makes me happy?hmm...spending quality times with my husband and family members and friends always put smiles on my face :)

syila slakers said...

Looking forward to the giveaway items post. Surprise! Surprise!

What makes me happy?
Meeting up with my fiance and spending time with him. Love Love him. =)

Unknown said...

what makes me happy? when I'm in a hurry and every light I pass by are green. isn't it a great feeling? =)


nude lace turns to colour said...

There is only one thing in ths world that makes me happy and that is seeing my boyfriend happy, when he smiles i smile :D.

Sorry that was so cheesy.

my email

I hope you have a wondeful valentines day what ever you are doing x

nude lace turns to colour said...

I also just blogged about your giveaway here:

take care x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this contest :)

what make me happy: going out with friends and having fun and living life to the full and all of that stuff :)...oooh how could i forget...and SHOPPING! :)

Anonymous said...

i'v posted a link to your giveaway and a bit about it on the sidebar of my blog under giveaways :)


rottenotter said...

enter me please :)

What makes me happy? So many things I could probably write a book full of them! I love talking about memories and good times

Anonymous said...

Yayy! This is fun:D

What makes me happy?
-Seeing my 3 year old neice run to me smiling and laughing when she sees me. Taking care of her day and night and watching smile all the time. I love her so much.

Kalmo said...

Aww you're so sweet to host a giveaway Iris, thank you. The banner for the giveaway is so pretty too.

Hmm what makes me happy? Eating really good food in really good company makes me happy! haha I'm easy to please. But yeah, there is nothing better than enjoying a great meal with loved ones. :)


Shop N' Chomp said...

Yayayayayayay! XD

1. Girl, you know I'm a follower!!

2. What makes me happy? Friends and family!


KT Nielsen said...

I have always been dateless for the past 7 Valentine's days... LOL! But anyway, SMILES from friends and strangers alike makes me happy. Colorful flowers make me happy too. And a whiff of my favorite perfume easily calms me and sends me to happy heaven.

kessathea26 (at) gmail (dot) com

Rhania E. said...

What makes me happy?
*my family (im spending more time with them now)
*the bf (after seven years we meet again)
*having good health..
*and of course CHOCOLATES and stuff bears!!!

DinaXYYan said...

oh, i already post it on my side bar

DinaXYYan said...

and tweeted :)

Nina said...

I left you something on my post just now. Please come get it?

Angela said...

My friends and families make me happy. Thanks for the giveaway.


Angela said...



Angela said...



amynaree said...

green tea frapp from starbucks and a good korean drama makes me happy! hehe

thanks for the cute giveaway <3

email: amynaree (at) gmail (dot) com

Janel said...

Woot! Yay for giveaways!

What makes me happy... my 2-yr-old daughter ^_^. My life revolves around her!

Janel said...

Hey babe!

Here's the link to my post on ur giveaway

Sarah Ali / Glossicious said...

Thank you for this Valentine's giveaway, i am a follower , my email

Hmmm... what makes me happy? Definitely my nephew , he is 4 yrs old and he is apple of my eye , apart from him buying cosmetics, eceiving compliments. Spending time with friends and family ,blogging also makes me happy,

i have blogged about your giveAWAY on my blog

click the giveaway tab on the top

please check out my blog :-D

my email is

Porcelaine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wanda said...

Spending time with my son and his family always (well, almost) makes me happy. They are my tribe.
wandapanda at live dot com

Kiki Xiong said...

I followed your blog.
& cute babies make me happy! LOL, I just love the joy of their faces!

I blogged:

Shaima812 said...

count me please
1. Iam a follower shaim

2. "what makes you happy?"
Drawing and makeup
walking in seaside and being alone ,I always surounded by people :( need a time to be alone


4. Tweet about this giveaway

EVA SB said...

My family (husband & 2 kids) make me happy - especially when they tell me they love me.
Eva Sb -[@]gmail[.]com

I tweeted

Lara said...

I'm slowly getting into the whole beauty blogging world (still don't have a blog of my own, though) and discovering new ones that I love makes me happy

I'm a new follower.
My email is svlara(at)gmail(dot)com

Mugene said...

Eating Lindt chocolates makes me very happy :) Great giveaway!

xxNikkiDooxx said...

Yehey for Vday! :D

What makes me happy? Making other people happy. Such a great feeling. And also, seeing my family. :)

mayaari said...

wonder what goodies you're offering up :) simple things make me happy - cup of coffee over the weekend, spending time with family/friends, baking (just not the part where I have to clean up!)

mayaari |

Gabriela said...

My boyfriend makes me happy. He always have a smile, a hug, a kiss... for me.

My mother and my father also makes me happy.

In general all the people who love me.


Gabriela said...

I tweeted:

Thanks for this giveaway :)

Andrea Ferreira said...

I am a follower!
My love makes me happy!!!
I tweeted:

Jannie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jannie said...

hi, iris!

wow. thanks for inviting me to join your giveaway for valentine's day. sounds fun. :)

what makes me happy? first of all, my son makes me happy. even though he is a handful, i love him very much. it makes me smile to watch him learn and grow each day. :) being with my boyfriend also makes me happy. even though we see each other on a weekly/bi-weekly basis, the heart still grows fonder no matter what. the two other things that make me happy are shopping and chocolate. :)

oh yeah, my email is

take care and enjoy your day. :D

bibay said...

seeing all my make-up collection neatly organized makes me happy =D

bvrlylava at gmail dot com

bibay said...

my tweet:

bvrlylava at gmail dot com

bibay said...

my blog post =D

bvrlylava at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

babysitting my very cute niece and nephew makes me happy :)

Unknown said...

Make-up online shopping makes me happy especially if i have a lot to spend haha!

Barbie said...

hi i'm a new follower :)
What makes me happy? watching chick flicks with my girlfriends and watching romantic movies with my boyfriend :)

Curtney said...

I follow your blog

Knowing that my family loves me unconditionally make me happy!


Curtney said...

posted this contest here


Shibby said...

Just found your blog :)
At the moment life and everything is making me happy. I'm just enjoying everything as it comes and not letting anything get me down life's too short =)

vanilla said...

yeay for valentine!lol
being with my close friends make me really happy!i flew al the way to jakarta to meet them and it was worth it!:P

Swtest2Lips said...

Yay for a giveaway!
1. You know Im a follower
2. Foodie things make me happy (Yes, Im a hungry hippo)

Thanks again girl!

Lucky Finds said...

Shopping for bargains makes me happy!

Posted this giveaway at


Fifi said...

Wow thank you for throwing this giveaway!

What makes me happy, huh? Definitely when I'm able to spend time with my family! I love my siblings so much, we joke around all the time :D

Shopping and watching movies with my boyfriend make me happy too :)

Christy said...

yayy for the giveaway <3

what makes me happy? mmm.. simple things just make me happy. like when i'm driving to work when the sunrises.. :)

Jo Bryan said...

I am a follower
What makes me happy.

A cuddle with my children
A kiss from my hubby
Seeing a rainbow
A slice of chocolate cake
Valentines Day
Christmas and giving presents
Being loved and loving back.

andpinkysays said...

I'm a new follower! Hi there! :D

I think unexpected kindness makes me very happy. Like a shared smile with a stranger (a nice one, not creepy!) in the middle of a crowded place or something, and you know they didn't have to (because I've met plenty that feel like they didn't) but they still did. :)

My name is Pinky and my email is

My twitter is & I've left a tweet!

Katie Ngo said...

What makes me happy :
Meeting new people, experiencing new things that interest me. Doing things I love to do. Spending time with my loved ones. And most importantly, worrying about nothing makes me happy no matter what. :]


audreydao said...

what make me happy...hmm... travel channel's man vs. food. no joke. i love that show. it's sooo funny and the food looks so yummy!!

Mary said...

happy? my husband and my family..and see other people happy

Ahleessa said...

I'll enter the contest... wheee~ Thank you for having this contest! :)

What makes me happy... I'm such a simple person... hehe~ Being surrounded by loves ones, family and friends, makes me happy. Even having Tobey around makes me happy!... wheee~ :)

spifftiff88 said...

My daughter makes me the happiest..and also Luna, our kitty..and makeup...and food.. :)

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

Wow a giveaway! I'm in!
What makes me happy?
- Simple things in life makes me happy. Time...Time to spend with my mom, my boyfriend, family and friends. Being surrounded by people who matter most in my life makes me happy. And blogging makes me happy. =)



Grace Wong said...

I followed you!
There are a lot of things that make me happy, but discovering the world of Japan makes me happiest!

Grace Wong said...

I also blogged!

Grace Wong said...

I also tweeted!

charmed-chick said...

Nice idea for valentine's day :)
What makes me happy?
The thought that everyday i wake up and i am lucky to have the life i have, i have an amazing daughter and boyfriend who i would be lost without. With all the drama going on in the world ie Hati you just dont realise how lucky you are.
i added a link in my blog for you :)

Katie Ngo said...

Whats makes me happy?
Being surrounded with my loved ones. (:

<3 Katie Ngo

Saimese said...

Hey. My name is Saim & my blog URL is:

Buying well tailored & structured winter coats & blazers makes me happy! That & dessert.. yums!

I posted about this giveaway on my blog & twitter. Will be posting those links below as per the rules ;)

Saimese said...

Saim again with my blog post:

Saimese said...

& again with my Twitter post:

Lisa F said...

Happy Valentines dayyyy!!! :)

hmmm what makes me happy is...buying clothes, cosmetics... just shopping in general! :P

Gabriela said...

Happy Valentines day!

I posted about your giveaway on my blog: (you can use the Google traductor button on the right to traduce it).

Thanks a lot for the chance!

fisiwoman said...

Nice giveaway! enter me!
I'm a new follower from Spain "fisiwoman"

What makes me happy? shopping!, my boyfriend and graduating from my university!

Victoria said...

I'm a new follower :)

It makes me happy to be with my family, my dogs and enjoy my free time with my friends.

Happy Valentine's Day!


Shop N' Chomp said...

Posted your giveaway here:

Dessert makes me happy....hee hee! XD

Jenni said...

hi i'm a follower :) good movies with delicious food will make me happy!

I blogged about your giveaway here:

happy chinese new year and lovers day!

Jennifer H


Candes said...

Ok, this is sad... LOL... But beauty products make me happy. I just love trying new things hoping to find the fountain of youth.

My email is in my profile.

Anonymous said...

What makes me happy?
Going home to a warm house on a freezing day, and drinking hot chocolate <3

piinkstrawberii said...

hehe hello! love your blog its uber cute!

what makes me happy... my family! i love spending time with my family and especially my baby cousins! they are always there for me when i need them and im greatful to have such a close family hehe

happy valentines and new years hun bun! <3

Kittenish said...

Spending time with friends and family makes me happy. Watching good movies makes me happy. Eating a really yummy dessert makes me super happy :)

kittenishcutie {at} gmail {dot} com

Kittenish said...

I tweeted this giveaway.

kittenishcutie {at} gmail {dot} com

Manju said...

wheeeeeeeee enter me enter me ^_^
breaking the rules makes me happy hehe, you know what im talking about ;)

Kasia said...

Yaaay for giveaway! :)

What makes me happy:
Being with my husband. Traveling. Blogging. Shopping. Taking Pictures. Eating Good Food.

So Simple :)
btw, I love your blog and you're such a nice blogger!!

CherryColors said...

Hi dear! I hope you hav a great Vday!

1. I am a follower

2. "what makes you happy?"
Shopping and using new stuff, walks in the woods, working out and dance, singing, playing games, being with my beloved one.

3. Tamara - tamara(at)

sweetsunshine93 said...

Hi! This is such a nice giveaway!!

Things that make me happy include..
insignificant little expressions of
kindness and love.. Photograghs that hold much more emotions than words can simply describe..
Pink, lilac and yellow pastel colours that make every little thing as girly as you want.

I'm Hannah and my email is

Thanks xxx

Unknown said...

woohoo! count me in! :) you already know i'm a url: and what makes me happy? family. :)

theotherworldly said...


What makes me happy? Being loved and cherished -- like any girl -- on every day, not just Valentine's day... that makes me so happy.

Good luck! Take a chance on me :)

Ahleessa said...

I definitely enter the contest... hehe~

What makes me happy? I'm a very simple person. Just having good things happening in my life and the lives of the loves ones, friends and families. :)

CHARRY said...

Wow thanks for the giveaway and Belated happy valentines!

What makes me happy?
to be with the people I love forever and always. Being a working mom, sometimes, I never have enough time with them. So I make it a point that we go out atleast twice a week- that is if work permits.

Daituf said...

You know what's sad? I don't remember if i enteree this already... god, so young and already losing my mind :S
Anyhoo, incase i haven't, I must! :D
Must leave a comment below & tell me "what makes you happy?"

you know where to contact me, or email at

I posted this on my blog giveaway section :)

Thanks! Happy V day to you!