One advantage of blogging about your life, is that you get to be reminded of simple things that made you happy, reminiscing the beautiful memories that you want to treasure for the rest of your life and making a bad day (such as today) better...
Hubby and I went to the Cornwall Iron Furnace (Cornwall, PA) on the first weekend of March, I mainly went there to take pictures but of course we did the tour inside the furnace and as much as I don't care anything about Ironmaking, I love how old and historical the place is.

while on our way home we passed by the Hershey Story Museum and Negley Park.
Beautiful Pennsylvania Countryside

Clockwise: Target Freebie,Baked some Banana Nut Muffin,
my first ever Modcloth Dress, St. Patrick's Day
and I was so happy with the results,doing things that you love is the most satisfying thing ever!

We celebrated our third year wedding anniversary with a simple dinner. Marrying this boy is a dream come true for me, I still remember my 15 year old self wanting to spend the rest of my life with him. I feel so blessed to have him.

We were in New York City for hubby's seminar by the end of March.
What would you do if you were left alone in the city to do whatever you want??
for me..Eat, Shop and People Watching...
and I also get to be with my cousins and spend time with them,
see my cutie pie nephew again with his shake shack fries.

A cousin also taught me how to photograph Light Trails,
this isn't perfect but I'm still proud of myself.

but hubby loves it so we'll probably be back there soon...
Have a lovely weekend everyone!!!
Aw that is such a true and sweet comment about blogging, you get to see all the good times. :)
All of your pictures are amazing! Seriously, you should become a professional photographer. Every shot looks like the engagement pictures that couples pay for!
The last picture of the Target frame totally fits the theme of your awesome blog. Shabby chic/nostalgic/ romantic.
Your husband and you look amazing in the pictures.
I know I sound like a broken record but you take the best pictures!! So good to see you blogging again, sweetie. *hugs* Happy anniversary to you two! =D You look so cute in your Modcloth dress and in that peacoat! I love the contrasting pics of the Pennsylvania countryside and NYC.
Hi Nicole!
Thank you for the sweet comment. Yep, that was me commenting haha. I'm doing well, how are you? I hope to see more posts from you. You always put together really heartwarming posts. :)
Hey babe, thanks for the sweet comment! I'm back...woot...hehe. ;) Ooh, I didn't know your hubby used to work there. Maybe you guys can go back and vacay one day since you are not too far away. Anyways, hope your week is going well! :D
beautiful photos! I am following you! return the favor? ;D
love, polly
Love your outfits!! Looks like you've had a good time!
found the route
Hi Nicole!
Thank you so much for the well wishes. I haven't heard from you so long, it was great getting your comment. I miss your updates and your amazing photos. I was looking for a professional photographer for my wedding and their past work. You should consider doing photography, your blog photos are amazing and way better than the stuff I considered paying for! I hope 2012 is going well for you! (hugs)
These are really amazing pictures! :) I like your style too! :)
Kisses! xxx
This is such a wonderful post!
Love your blog! I'm a new follower =)
NIC!!! So good to hear from you. I'm doing well. Thanks for asking! How are you, darling? Hope you had a wonderful new year! <3<3<3
P.S Please come back to the blogosphere!
Hmmm...probably just go over to our parents' house for dinner like we normally do. :) Where are you moving to?
Yep $150 just for a seat. Crazy!
Hope your move goes well. :)
Hey Nic!! I love that you got the Mickey one. :D I'm doing well but the question is, "How are YOU doing?" You haven't updated your blog in almost a year. T_T
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