Friday, January 8, 2010

Tags+Awards+Sephora Swatches

Sorry for the lack of posts nowadays, I've been busy and now I'm sick, woke up last monday with sore throat & fever....I hate being sick!!! I could barely swallow, my throat was so swollen.....been sleeping on & off the whole day yesterday...

Anyways, today I'm going to do some tags that I haven't done yet...
first is from the beautiful Zoe of "13december"...Zoe thanks for
for tagging me for "Once upon a Time" & " You're a Doll" it is.

"Once Upon a Time" Tag
1. Post a picture from your childhood (less than 13 yrs old).
2. Write about the picture.
3.Tag your friends and readers.

I can't remember how old I am in this picture but this was taken in our house back in my hometown with my cousin. she's like 2 years older than I am and we grew up together...same house, same room, same school from grade school to college & even finished the same degree. right now she's having her first baby and I'm so happy for her...& I'm going to be an aunt I'm excited...

"You're A Doll!" Tag
1.Remember to link back to the person who awarded you!
2. Select 5 more bloggers that you think are dolls and link them at the bottom.
3. Tell about a character from a book/movie /drama that you most like.
4. Post the picture and title on your blog permanently if you'd like.

This is a bit hard, uhmmmm....well, all I can think of is Ella of Ella Enchanted (Gail Carson Levine)....I first read the book & liked it so much,It's like Cinderella with a twist and it was released as a movie with Anne Hathaway as Ella.
Ella was given a gift of "obedience" when she was born, so imagine your life having to obey everything people tells you to do, what I like about her is because of her curse/gift she became a rebel but without success (haha, that's me!!) she's smart and very good with language which helps her a lot on her adventures. she's brave, sure of herself & her opinions and she has sense of humor, she doesn't need a kiss from the prince or help from the fairy godmother to break the curse, in the end she breaks it all by herself because of her love & devotion for the Prince...classic fairytale right? but this book/movie is's fun to read how she deals with her disability...

I want to thank the sweet Amy of "Amynaree" for giving me this award, Thanks Amy!

Rules for recipients:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which you think are fabulous.
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

and also would like to thank Dina of "Voyageur" & Verina of "lil bit of this and that"..Thanks sweeties....for nominating me for girls now how much I love both your blogs as well....

I Frequently Read Your Blog Award

The rules of the award is to tag 10 blogs that you read frequently.

So I'm Tagging:( for Tag(s) & Award(s)
Lisa of ShopnChomp
Lulu of Luluchinadoll
Kym of Beecreative
Julie of Pop Champange
Diane of Orange2LA
Kalmo of Cambo Soup
Mona of Make me Blushhh

Blair and Zoe requested some swatches for the
Sephora Lip Attitude-Glamour Lipsticks and here it is:
(taken Digital Macro in Natural Light)

I hope this helps, I tried taking some pics of it on my lips but my lips isn't just as nice as angelina jolie's so.....

These lipsticks has a light fruity smell....which I love, it's a bit minty when I wear it or is it just me?'s hydrating, creamy and glossy but not sticky at's sheer so I have to apply it a few times, packaging is nice, it's shiny pewter & the bottom is clear so you could see what color it is...and available in a lot of shades to choose from, for $12, I think it's a good buy.



Denysia said...

Ugh. I know how you feel! I've been sick for the last week or so. And my cough hasn't gone away since November!

I love those lip colors! I need more lipsticks! :)

Kasia said...

Awww this picture of your childhood is so cute :) So vintage.

Lulu said...

hehehe cute Nic as a child!!! <3

Hope everything's going well w/ you dear! I've been missing you!

Shop N' Chomp said...

Oh you poor baby...sorry to hear you've been sick. Please feel better soon!! :)

Omg, you look sooo cute! Love the cute dresses plus you two even sit the same way...hehe. ;) Congrats on all of your tags/awards and thank you for extending it to me!

Love the awesome swatches...both great pink lippies for sure!

amynaree said...

I hope you are feeling better! You look so cute in your childhood picture :)

Thanks for the swatches of the lippies, I def want to try these out since they are fairly inexpensive as well

Shanghainese Dumpling said...

Thanks for sharing :) I love that childhood picture of yours, actually I love all old pictures gives you that aged feeling full of stories :)

claradevi said...

I love old photos! You two are really cute there!
Thanks for the well-wishes on my last post, you're really sweet.. Have a great day <3

Bijin Blair said...

Your comments about the Sephora lippies really sealed the deal to me! The next time I get a CP from the US, I'd definitely request for these lippies =D

May said...

Oh noo! Take care and feel better soon dear. Cute little Nic:) Congrats on the awards and thanks for sharing your childhood photo with us.

I'm hanging in there. It's so hard to have a full time job and a caregiver at the same time. I don't have enough time to anything these days. My dad is slowly improving:) have a great weekend hun:)

Kalmo said...

Aww I'm sorry to hear you're sick Iris, I hope you feel better soon. :)I love Ella Enchanted too.

Congrats on all the tags and awards girl!

Aww thank you so much for the award Iris, I always come to your blog too. It means a lot to me (hugs).

Thanks for the lippie swatches. ^^

Unknown said...

congrats on your award! you deserve it. your childhood photo is so great!


Manju said...

i hope you're all better now??
your childhood pic is so cute! xD
thanks for tagging me darling, you're such a sweetheart for always thinking of me ^_^

Jannie said...

cute pic of you and your cousin as kids. :) you both had pretty dresses on too. :)

pretty lip swatches too. :)

get well soon. sorry to hear you're sick. rest up and take care.. :)

Zoe said...

Thanks for doing the tags, u look super cute in that picture,so vintage looking^^
Thanks also for the swatches the colors are really pretty...
Hun, sorry for not dropping by ur blog so often,I am so busy that I even dream about working all the time,lol...

Unknown said...

hey iris! thanks for the award!!! cute photo, btw! and feel better soon :( take it easy this week!

Nina (Femme Rationale) said...

adorable picture from your childhood! and i like the sephora lip colors.

noone said...

aww cute pic! I watched Ella Enchanted for a bit the other day, it was cute I thought :) and ya I agree with you i think spencer bought 600 copies of Heidi's album haha!

Christine said...

Hmm I might have to consider some Sephora lippies now... $12 is so affordable and the colors look cute :D Thanks for the swatch

Unknown said...

Hi, could you put more Sephora Lip Attitude swatches? Thnks